Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!
Hello 2021, and welcome everyone!
One moment we were counting down to the new year, the next moment we found ourselves back to school, work, and daily life.
As we step past the first week of the new year 2021, I would like to take a few moments to give a shout out to our towerrunning and stair climbing community.
Let’s keep moving one step forward and upwards!
2020 has gone by, and we don’t need another reminder about how challenging it was for many of us, be it in our personal, business, social or recreational life.
Against these odds, a group of us here – towerrunning masters and enthusiasts- pressed on to bring the spirit of towerrunning and stair climbing to the community.
The Towerrunning Association of Singapore was formalised on 28-08-2020. In a year flooded with virtual races, we put together three rounds of (self-timed) time trials at Pinnacle @Duxton. Each climb was simple yet challenging and fulfilling. More importantly, they offered our enthusiasts a moment of physical presence, brief yet essential. It was an even greater challenge for our dedicated team to ensure that the climbs complied with the prevailing safety measures. Thanks to the team’s meticulous organizing and cooperation of our stair enthusiasts, everyone was rewarded with a wonderful and safe experience for those three Sunday mornings.
With the phase-by-phase ease up of the restrictions on group activities, our team will continue to ensure our activities adhere to the prevailing safety measures. We can’t be more thankful for the patience and cooperation of our members and participants. Already, we have achieved regular attendance at our Saturday climbs and that is really what keeps our team motivated.
2021 will bring us challenges and opportunities as with any new year. In the sporting community and beyond, we will all do our best with what we have at hand. Our team will be working on interesting projects aside from stairclimbing. One of these would be our quarterly newsletter, offering you the latest news on towerrunning, training tips, and more. Do stay tuned!
Alright, I shall end soon. I can hear the stairs calling me.
Climbing the stairs is one of the few activities that go against gravity. It’s that power against gravity and delightful speed that many of us indulge in. To all towerrunners or stair climbers alike, l know we can’t wait to race up the steps to an exciting chapter ahead!
See you on the stairs soon!
– Eddie